KIM, DAE-SUB (1972~   )


B.F.A, Keimyung University

M.F.A, Keimyung University



2013  Invitation Exhibition (Lee Junng Gallery)

­2012  Invitation Exhibition (Jung Gu Chan Gallery)

­2011  Invitation Exhibition (Sun Gallery ·̇ Sun Art           Center, Seoul)

        Invitation Exhibition (JungGuChan Gallery)

2010  Invitation Exhibition (ARTG&G, Daegu)

        Invitation Exhibition (SeJong Gallery, Seoul)

        Invitation Exhibition (TongYoung Gallery)

2009  Invitation Exhibition (Art&Company, Seoul)

2007  The 5th Exhibition (Debec Plaza Gallery, Daegu)

          Invitation Exhibition (KyungHyang Gallery, Seoul)

2006  Invitation Exhibition (KyungHyang Gallery, Seoul)

2005  The 1th Exhibition (Debec Plaza Gallery, Daegu)





2014 Affordable Art Fair H.K  (H.K Convention Center)

2013 ART BANK ART Fair H.K

2013~2006 MANIF Seoul International Art Fair(Seoul Arts Center, Seoul)

2008 Golden Eye Art Fair(COEX Seoul)

2013~2012 SOAF The Seoul Open Art Fair(COEX)

2012~2009 The DaeGU Art Fair (Daegu EXCO)






-SAC TUTORS 2012(Seoul Arts Center)

­-Mull Exhibition (Sun Gallery / Sun Art Center, Seoul)

­-GuSang Address 1 (POSCO Gallery)

­-Kim Dae-sub & Son Sung-il 2 Exhibition (J&J Gallery)

­-Kim Dae-sub & Kim Young-dae 2 Exhibitio (ARTG&G)

-Taste & Smartness of Shape 100Size Exhibition(POSCO Gallery)

­-DaeGu GuSang Art of painting Great Exhibition (Debec Plaza Gallery, Daegu)

­-HyunDae InMul HwaGa Meeting 200Size Great Exhibition (SeJong Gallery, Seoul)

­-The Republic of Korea Youth Biennale (Daegu Art & Culture Center)

­-Daegu GuSang Art of painting Exhibition (Citizen's Hall, Daegu

­-Korea United States Exchanges Exhibition (Daegu Art &Culture Center)





- The Republic of Korea Great Art Exhibition (The Selected Artist, The Critic Prize)

- The Republic of Korea Watercolor Great Art Exhibition

 (The Selected Artist, The  Watercolor Top Prize)

- The DanWon Art Exhibition(The Selected Artist, The Excellent Prize Special Prize)

- The DaeGu Art Exhibition(The Selected Artist, The Excellent Prize)

- The Republic of Korea Watercolor Great Art Exhibition

 (The Selected Artist, The Gold Prize, Excellent Prize, Special Prize)

 - A Association of GoGem ART (The Selected Artist)